Untitled Horror Movie is a 2021 American horror comedy film directed by Nick Simon, who co-wrote the screenplay with Luke Baines. Baines also stars in the film alongside Claire Holt, Darren Barnet, Emmy Raver-Lampman, Katherine McNamara, and Timothy Granaderos. The film utilizes found footage conventions, and in one scene presents its narrative via a computer screen. Its plot follows six actors who decide to create a horror film, and in doing so unwittingly summon a malevolent spirit.
Untitled Horror Movie (2021)
Directed by Nick Simon
Genres - Comedy, Horror |
Sub-Genres - Ghost Film, Supernatural Horror Film |
Release Date - Jun 15, 2021 |
Run Time - 87 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Actor, Hit, Independent, Spirit, Violence
Alternate Titles
Film d'horreur sans titre
Horrorfilm ohne Titel
PelĂcula de Terror Sin Nombre
Untitled Horror Movie
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