Troubled Laughter is a 1979 Chinese drama film directed by Yang Yanjin and Deng Yimin, set in the Cultural Revolution. The film stars Li Zhiyu as Fu Bin, a powerless newspaper writer who struggles with his conscience during an age of pervasive dishonesty and immorality from the top on down. The ethical and professional conflicts eventually threaten both Fu Bin's work and family relationships, while his mental struggle breaks through to the film’s discursive level. It was screened out of competition at the 1981 Cannes Film Festival.
Troubled Laughter (1979)
Directed by Yanjin Yang / Yimin Deng
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
1981 Cannes Film Festival, Chinese, Competition, Deng Yimin, Xiao, Yang Yanjin
Filming Location: shot in Shanghai
Subject: about the Cultural Revolution
Subject: about the Cultural Revolution
Alternate Titles
Das Lachen eines in Schwierigkeiten befindlichen Mannes
Det besvärliga skrattet
Ku nao ren de xiao
, BR
Kǔ nǎo rén de xiào