To Inflict is a short film written and directed by Liz Wiegard and produced by Bryan Kreutz and Brayden Patterson and Don Burnett. A road rage-themed film, To Inflict is only 25 minutes long (23 plus credits). It was shot in Granite City, Illinois and St.Louis, Missouri over seven eight-hour days. It was originally supposed to be longer, but was slimmed down due to time constraints of real-life situations placed into a short film format. The film is little known, released in 2013, premiering at Granite City Cinema. The Short film is also an official October 2013 Indie Fest USA film selection at the festival in Garden Grove, California.
To Inflict (2013)
Directed by Elizabeth Wiegard
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Autism, Granite City Cinema, Road Rage
Alternate Titles
To Inflict