This is not an Exit: The Fictional World of Bret Easton Ellis is an art documentary made for ITV's The South Bank Show and cinema. It was released in 1999. This is not an Exit is based on the life of American writer Bret Easton Ellis, The film is directed by Gerald Fox, introduced by Melvyn Bragg, produced by Julian Ozanne starring Bret Easton Ellis, Dechen Thurman, Rachel Weisz, Jason Bushman. The film premiered at the ICA in London before its television debut as a special on the South Bank Show It also had a limited theatrical release in New York and other cities.
This Is Not an Exit: The Fictional World of Bret Easton Ellis (1998)
Directed by Gerald Fox
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Titles
This Is Not an Exit: The Fictional World of Bret Easton Ellis