Thirupathi Ezhumalai Venkatesa is a 1999 Indian Tamil-language comedy film directed by Rama Narayanan. The film stars Prabhu, S. Ve. Shekher, Vadivelu, Roja, Urvashi and Kovai Sarala. It was released on 4 December 1999. The film was Rama Narayanan's 100th film and was a hit at the box office. The film was remade in Telugu as Tirumala Tirupati Venkatesa (2000) with Roja and Sarala reprising their roles, and in Kannada as Yarige Beda Duddu (2001).
Thirupathi Ezhumalai Venkatesa (1999)
Directed by Ramanarayanan
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Rama Narayanan
Alternate Titles
Thirupathi Ezhumalai Venkatesa