The Snow Has Melted on the Manicouagan is a Canadian dramatic docufiction film, directed by Arthur Lamothe and released in 1965. The film stars Monique Miller as a woman who is torn between the love of her husband and her desire to escape the dreariness and tedium of their isolated life in rural northern Quebec where he works as a maintenance engineer on the Daniel-Johnson Dam.
The Snow Has Melted on the Manicouagan (1965)
Directed by Arthur Lamothe
Genres - Documentary, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Docufiction Film |
Release Date - Aug 1, 1965 |
Run Time - 59 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Daniel-johnson Dam, Quebec
Filming Location: Rivière Manicouagan
Alternate Titles
Sneeuw over Manicouagan
The Snow Has Melted on the Manicouagan