The People from Simlangs Valley

The People from Simlangs Valley (1947)

Genres - Drama  |   Release Date - Dec 26, 1947  |   Run Time - 89 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

The People of Simlang Valley is a 1947 Swedish drama film directed by Åke Ohberg and starring Edvin Adolphson, Eva Dahlbeck and Arthur Fischer. The film's sets were designed by the art director Bibi Lindström. It is based on the 1903 novel The People of Simlang Valley by Fredrik Ström, which had previously been adapted into a 1924 silent film of the same title.

Movie Info


1903 Novel The People Of Simlang Valley, 1947, Bibi Lindström, People Of Simlang Valley


Based On: based on Swedish novels

Alternate Titles

Erämaalaakson kansa
Folket i dalen
Folket i Simlångsdalen