The Mooring is a 2012 suspense thriller film directed by Glenn Withrow, starring Hallie Todd, Thomas Wilson Brown, and ten young actors from across the United States. The film is scored and composed by Mike Jarzabek and features music from the band NO. It follows a group of girls in a technology addiction camp who run into a dangerous couple in the woods. The film had its premiere at Switzerland's Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival, and was released on DVD and Digital Download by Lionsgate in February 2013.
The Mooring (2013)
Directed by Charlie Hamilton
Genres - Horror, Thriller |
Sub-Genres - Psychological Horror Film |
Release Date - Feb 1, 2013 |
Run Time - 90 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - R
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Digital Download, Lionsgate, Mike Jarzabek, Switzerland's Neuchatel International Fantastic Fi, United States
Alternate Titles
The Mooring