The Love We Make is a cinéma vérité documentary film by Albert Maysles. The film chronicles Paul McCartney's experiences in New York City after the September 11 attacks of 2001, following him as he prepared The Concert for New York City October 2001 benefit event. McCartney was on an airplane taxiing at JFK International Airport, about to depart for the United Kingdom, when the attacks occurred, and he wanted to do something to uplift and benefit the first responders in New York, so he arranged this concert. The film chronicles McCartney's planning and backstage experiences with the other participants in the concert.
The Love We Make (2011)
Directed by Albert Maysles / Bradley Kaplan
Genres - Documentary, Music |
Release Date - Sep 10, 2011 |
Run Time - 94 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
New York
Subject: Documentary about New York City, Documentary about the Beatles, New York City, September 11 attacks
Alternate Titles
The Love We Make
ポール・マッカートニー THE LOVE WE MAKE 9.11からコンサート・フォー・ニューヨーク・シティへの軌跡