The Lone Rider Ambushed is a 1941 American western film directed by Sam Newfield and written by Oliver Drake. The film stars George Houston as the Lone Rider and Al St. John as his sidekick "Fuzzy" Jones, with Maxine Leslie, Frank Hagney, Jack Ingram and Hal Price. The film was released on August 29, 1941, by Producers Releasing Corporation.
The Lone Rider Ambushed (1941)
Directed by Sam Newfield
Genres - Western |
Sub-Genres - Western Film |
Release Date - Aug 29, 1941 |
Run Time - 63 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Blackie, Deception, Gold, Held At Gunpoint, Keno, Lone Rider Tom
Alternate Titles
Schrecken über Colorado
The Lone Rider Ambushed
Trapped in the Badlands
, US