Toki o Kakeru Shōjo is the second live-action film adaptation of novel of the same name. The film was released in Japan on November 8, 1997, directed by Haruki Kadokawa, with a screenplay by Ryōji Itō, Chiho Katsura and Haruki Kadokawa, starring beginner Nana Nakamoto in the main role. The film is narrated by the previous 1983 film's lead-actress Tomoyo Harada, and is set in 1965, when the novel was published for the first time. The film poster was used as the new cover for the 1997 edition of the novel.
The Little Girl Who Conquered Time (1997)
Directed by Haruki Kadokawa / Nobuhiko Ôbayashi
Genres - Romance, Science Fiction |
Release Date - Nov 8, 1997 |
Run Time - 106 min. |
Countries - Japan |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Based On: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Subject: about time travel, time travel
Time Period: set in
Subject: about time travel, time travel
Time Period: set in
Alternate Titles
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Toki wo kakeru shôjo
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