The Lathe of Heaven is a 1980 film adaptation of the 1971 science fiction novel The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin. It was produced in 1979 as part of New York City public television station WNET's Experimental TV Lab project, and directed by David Loxton and Fred Barzyk. Le Guin, by her own account, was involved in the casting, script planning, rewriting, and filming of the production.
The Lathe of Heaven (1980)
Directed by David R. Loxton / Fred Barzyk
Genres - Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller |
Release Date - Jan 9, 1980 |
Run Time - 105 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alternate Reality, Dark, Heaven, Le Guin, Mind-Bending/Experimental, Telekinesis, The Lathe
Based On: The Lathe of Heaven
Alternate Titles
Égi eszterga
La rueda celeste
The Lathe Of Heaven
The Lathe of Heaven