The Final Comedown is a 1972 blaxploitation drama film written, produced and directed by Oscar Williams and starring Billy Dee Williams and D'Urville Martin. The film is an examination of racism in the United States and depicts a shootout between a radical black nationalist group and the police, with the backstory leading up to the shootout told through flashbacks. The radical group is not identified by name in the film but closely resembles the Black Panther Party.
The Final Comedown (1972)
Directed by Oscar Williams
Genres - Action-Adventure, Crime, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Blaxploitation Film |
Release Date - May 31, 1972 |
Run Time - 83 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - R
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Allan Arkush, Black Panther Party, Final Comedown, Frank Arthur Wilson, United States, Urville Martin
Alternate Titles
, US
Emeute à Los Angeles
The Final Comedown