The End of Poverty? is a 2008 documentary film about poverty directed by Philippe Diaz. It is narrated by Martin Sheen and was produced by Cinema Libre Studio in association with the non-profit Robert Schalkenbach Foundation. The film was selected for the international critic's week award at the 2008 Cannes Festival.
The End of Poverty? (2008)
Directed by Philippe Diaz
Genres - Documentary |
Release Date - May 19, 2008 |
Run Time - 106 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Box Office
Capitalism, Economic Inequality, Free Market, Land Grab, New Testament, Poverty
Alternate Titles
La fin de la pauvreté?
Progress vs. Property
, US
The End of Poverty?
, US
To telos tis ftoheias?