The film centers around Tom (Gareth Koorzen), a down-on-his-luck guy living with his Aunt (Maria Olsen). But his real troubles begin when his gambling debts catch up to him and he finds himself on the wrong side of a gun. In order to pay off the debts he enlists the help of Elodie (Michelle Krusiec), an undertaker’s daughter and recent divorcee with her own financial woes. Together they conspire to find freshly buried bodies in order to dig them up and steal whatever valuable possessions may have been buried with the recently departed. Soon after Tom has collected a box full of jewelry, strange occurrences begin taking place in the house - weird noises, moving images in paintings and hallucinations all begin to take their toll. Is it guilt? Is he crazy? Or have the dead returned to collect what’s rightfully theirs?
The Bone Box (2020)
Directed by Luke Genton
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Alternate Titles
The Bone Box
Костяной ящик