The Adventures of Jane is a 1949 British comedy film directed by Edward G. Whiting. It is the film version of the stage show based on the comic strip Jane originally created by Norman Pett. It was written by Alfred Goulding and Con West. The cast included Chrystabel Leighton-Porter, who played Jane, and Michael Hogarth, who played Tom Hawke. It was filmed in Brighton, East Sussex, England.
The Adventures of Jane (1949)
Directed by Alfred J. Goulding / Edward G. Whiting
Genres - Comedy |
Release Date - Jan 1, 1949 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Comics/Heroes, Jane
Based On: based on comic strips, based on comics
Narrative Location: Brighton
Narrative Location: Brighton
Alternate Titles
The Adventures of Jane