The 7th Hunt is an independent horror film from Australia, directed by J.D. Cohen, co-directed by Darren K Hawkins for Cinegear Productions/Coherent Productions in 2008 and first screened in 2009. It is widely considered to be of the Ozploitation genre. The plot revolves around a group of sadistic killers and their victims. The film featured in the New York City Horror Film Festival in 2009, the Grimm Up North Film Festival in the UK, and the Atlanta Horror Film Festival. The film stars actress and swimsuit model Imogen Bailey of Neighbours fame.
The 7th Hunt (2009)
Directed by Jon Cohen
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Atlanta Horror Film Festival, Cohen, Commonwealth Of Australia, Darren, Grimm, Hawkins, Independent Film, Model Imogen Bailey Of Neighbours, New York City Horror Film Festival, North Film Festival, Stars Actress, United Kingdom
Filming Location: shot in Sydney, Sydney
Alternate Titles
The 7th Hunt
The Hunt