Svarte pantere: Rebels with a Cause is a Norwegian crime drama and youth film from 1992 directed by Thomas Robsahm. The film is about a group of young and idealistic animal liberation activists who call themselves the "Black Panthers." They live together in a collective in the countryside and engage in illegal activism at night. In the end, they are arrested by the police, and the authorities use the case to blacken both them and the case as much as possible. The leading roles are played by Henrik Mestad, Anneli Drecker, Bjarte Hjelmeland, Guro Sibeko, Bettina Banoun, and Bjørn Sundquist.
Svarte pantere (1992)
Directed by Thomas Robsahm
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Animal Liberation, Animal Rights, Fur
Narrative Location: Norway
Alternate Titles
Rebels with a Cause
Rebels With a Cause
Svarte pantere