Spork is a 2011 American independent coming-of-age musical comedy-drama film produced by Christopher Racster, Chad Allen, Honey Labrador and Geric Miller-Frost, written and directed by J.B. Ghuman Jr. and starring Savannah Stehlin, Sydney Park, Rachel G. Fox, Michael William Arnold, Oana Gregory, Rodney Eastman, Beth Grant, Yeardley Smith of The Simpsons fame, Keith David, Elaine Hendrix and Richard Riehle. The film was theatrically released in the United States on May 27, 2011 and received mixed reviews from film critics.
Spork (2010)
Directed by J.B. Ghuman Jr.
Genres - Comedy, Music |
Sub-Genres - Musical, Musical Comedy |
Release Date - Apr 24, 2010 |
Run Time - 86 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - TV-14
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Band, Car, Caravan, Chance, Coach, Coming Of Age/Teen, Dance, Faculty, First Kiss, Gang, Gay Parent, Intersex Film, Middle School, Neighbor, Nerd, School, Split Screen, Teenage Girl, Trailer
Alternate Titles