Spookley the Square Pumpkin is a 2004 Canadian animated musical fantasy film about a geometric pumpkin based on the book The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin by Joe Troiano. It was made by Holiday Hill Farm and released by Kidtoon Films and Lionsgate. The Honeydoos, three singing honeydews who sing in the style of The Pointer Sisters, are also featured. Bobby Pickett makes a brief cameo near the end of the film; his hit song "Monster Mash" is mentioned in one of the musical numbers "Transylvania Twist". Troiano and Zahn had previously written new music for Pickett's 1995 film adaptation of Monster Mash.
Spookley the Square Pumpkin (2004)
Directed by Bernie Denk
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
Book, Halloween, Pumpkin, Square Pumpkin
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Spookley the Square Pumpkin
Spookley, a Abóbora Quadrada