Skyscraper Symphony (1929) is an avant-garde silent short film by French-American filmmaker Robert Florey. The film was shot in the early morning hours in New York City. It captured skyscrapers which, by the late 1920s had become a global trademark of the city and became a representation of the ever-developing technologies in America, as well as the rapid growth of capitalism. Florey’s focus on the booming metropolitan in the post-World War I era has solidified this film as a “city symphony,” and he draws upon his own experience as a tourist in America to capture the excitement and uncertainty of being in New York City.
Skyscraper Symphony (1929)
Directed by Robert Florey
Genres - Avant-garde / Experimental, Documentary |
Sub-Genres - Avant-Garde and Experimental |
Release Date - Apr 30, 1929 |
Run Time - 9 min. |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Subject: about architecture
Alternate Titles
Skyscraper Symphony
, US
Symphonie der Wolkenkratzer
Симфония небоскрёба