Sid Bernstein Presents...

Sid Bernstein Presents... (2010)

Genres - Documentary  |   Run Time - 100 min.  |  
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Description by Wikipedia

Sid Bernstein Presents... is a 2010 feature-length documentary film by directors Jason Ressler and Evan Strome about music promoter Sid Bernstein. The film, which stars Lenny Kravitz, Tito Puente, Dick Clark, The Rascals, Paul Anka, Shirley MacLaine, and The Moody Blues, chronicles the life of Bernstein in a narrative that Ressler has described as "a film about the American Dream [seen] through the eyes of one of the greatest promoters in modern history." Bernstein is credited with bringing The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Herman's Hermits, The Rascals and a number of other prominent bands of the British Invasion to America. Bernstein also promoted musicians James Brown, Tito Puente, Ray Charles, The Dave Clark Five, Nina Simone, Jethro Tull and a number of other leading rock 'n roll, blues, jazz, and Latin artists.

Alternate Titles

Sid Bernstein Presents...