The Million Ryo Pot is a 1935 Japanese jidaigeki comedy film directed by Sadao Yamanaka. The plot revolves around a pot, which contains the map to a treasure worth a million ryō, that is lost by its owner and comes into the possession of a young boy, who happens to be under the custody of the great rōnin swordsman Tange Sazen. Unaware that he is in possession of such riches, Tange spends much of his time caring for the boy and bickering with the boy's adopted mother, his love interest, in a manner akin to a screwball comedy. The film is a parody of the more serious samurai films of the time, with Yamanaka transforming Tange from a rebellious, anarchic rōnin into a child-loving and openhearted homebody.
Sazen Tange and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo (1935)
Directed by Sadao Yamanaka
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Black, Japanese, White
Narrative Location: Edo
Subject: about orphans
Subject: about orphans
Alternate Titles
Sazen Tange and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
Tange Sazen and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
Tange Sazen e o Pote de Ouro
Tange Sazen yowa: Hyakuman ryo no tsubo
, JP
Tange Sazen: The Million Ryō Pot
Тангэ Садзэн слаб: горшок стоимостью в миллион рё
丹下左膳餘話 百萬両の壺