Ripa Hits the Skids is a 1993 Finnish comedy film directed by Christian Lindblad. It tells the story of Ripa, a young film director whose life seems to be going downhill all the time. Ripa, in debt and alcoholic, meets a beautiful young woman, Tiina, with whom he starts dating, but the relationship is full of problems, and the lenders and the police chasing him do not exactly make the difficult everyday life any easier.
Ripa Hits the Skids (1993)
Directed by Christian Lindblad
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
18th Moscow International Film Festival, 66th Academy Awards, Ripa Hits
Subject: about alcoholism
Alternate Titles
Der Höllenflug
Ripa Hits the Skids
, GB, US
Ripa pierde el control
Ripa rostar
Ο Ρίπα κάνει ζαβολιές