Revenge of the Snakes is a 1962 Turkish realist drama film directed by Metin Erksan and based on a novel by Fakir Baykurt. The film covers issues of an unwanted pregnancy in a small farming village and addressed numerous moral and social issues. The film was remade in 1985, starring Fatma Girik and Kadir İnanır. The TV series was remade in 2014 and was played by Ceyda Ateş, Hande Soral.
Revenge of the Snakes (1962)
Directed by Metin Erksan
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ceyda Ate, Fatma Girik, Hande Soral, Kadir Inanır
Based On:
Narrative Location: Turkey
Narrative Location: Turkey
Alternate Titles
Yılanların Öcü
Месть змеев