Resident Alien is a 1990 documentary film about the life of British writer and actor Quentin Crisp. directed, produced and edited by Jonathan Nossiter, and co-produced by Dean Silvers. Resident Alien was Crisp's first documentary; it was followed by Naked in New York in 1994 and The Celluloid Closet in 1995.
Resident Alien (1990)
Directed by Jonathan Nossiter
Genres - Comedy Drama, Documentary |
Sub-Genres - LGBT-Related Film |
Release Date - Sep 14, 1990 |
Run Time - 85 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Alien, Dean, Silver
Narrative Location: Manhattan
Subject: New York City
Subject: New York City
Alternate Titles
Resident Alien
Resident Alien: Quentin Crisp in America
Wohnsitz: Heimatlos
Ο Κουέντιν Κρισπ στη Νέα Υόρκη