Popeye, the Ace of Space is a 1953 3D theatrical cartoon released as a Stereotoon. It was produced by Famous Studios for the Stereotoon series featuring Popeye and distributed by Paramount Pictures. It was the first of two Paramount cartoons to be created in 3D format but with unsatisfying results. The other was Boo Moon with Casper the Friendly Ghost. Aiming to make a big impression on audiences, Paramount allocated additional funding for the Stereotoons which more than doubled the amount usually budgeted for Famous Studios cartoons of the day.
Popeye, the Ace of Space (1953)
Directed by Al Eugster / Seymour Kneitel
Genres - Animation, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction |
Sub-Genres - 3D Animated Short, Animated Short |
Release Date - Oct 2, 1953 |
Run Time - 7 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
3D, Audience, Friendly, Ghost, Paramount Comedy, Popeye
Alternate Titles
Popeye, the Ace of Space
Rumskipper Skræk