Policekaran Magal is a 1962 Indian Tamil-language drama film directed by C. V. Sridhar. Based on B. S. Ramiah's play of the same name, it stars Balaji, Muthuraman, Vijayakumari, Santha Kumari and Pushpalatha. The film was released on 7 September 1962 and was a success. It was later remade in Telugu as Constable Koothuru (1963) and in Malayalam as Vyaamoham (1978).
Policekaran Magal (1962)
Directed by C.V. Sridhar
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Movie Info
C. V. Sridhar, Constable Koothuru, Malayalam, Pushpalatha, Santha Kumari, Telugu, Vyaamoham
Alternate Titles
The Policeman's Daughter