Pleasures of the Rich is a 1926 American silent romantic drama film directed by Louis J. Gasnier and produced by Tiffany Pictures with a general distribution through Renown Pictures. The film featured several well known performers of the time, such as Helene Chadwick, Jack Mulhall, Hedda Hopper, and Mary Carr.
Pleasures of the Rich (1926)
Directed by Louis J. Gasnier
Genres - Drama, Romance, Silent Film |
Sub-Genres - Silent Film |
Release Date - Sep 13, 1926 |
Run Time - 70 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Library Of Congress, Tiffany Pictures
Alternate Titles
Ne higyj a nőnek!
Pleasures of the Rich
Prazeres dos Ricos