Pikyaw is a 2014 Philippine animated adventure film produced by Multimedia Arts & Graphics Ensemble (MAGE), Inc. and directed by Arnold Fuentes, PIKYAW was the first feature-length animated film dubbed in Hiligaynon and created by artists from Iloilo City, Iloilo, and the first film produced by MAGE, Inc. Pikyaw follows a group of children: Abet, Tyrone, and Marco who finds themselves in a parallel universe that is the subject of revenge by Albion, a creature who lived in Calixto since he was a child. The film was written by Mahnnie Tolentino, and featured music by artists from Think Logic Records, who are all Ilonggo bands. Its executive producers were Mahnnie Tolentino(MAGE Inc.), Ralph PeƱalosa(TL Records) and Seth dA. Nono(UI-PHINMA).
Pikyaw (2014)
Directed by Arnold Fuentes
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Iloilo City, Mage, Inc.