Paparazzi: Eye in the Dark is a 2011 romantic mystery film directed by Bayo Akinfemi and starring Van Vicker, Koby Maxwell, Tchidi Chikere, Syr Law, JJ Bunny and Chet Anekwe. The film depicts the adventures of an aspiring photographer whose accidental picture exposes an infamous murder mystery. The film was initially slated for a direct-to-video release but as of February, 2011 was scheduled for a multiple-city limited theatrical release. Made for a low six-figure budget and filmed over the course of 19 days, the film has been known in the Nollywood USA market as the film that has changed the look and sound of Nollywood by introducing a more western approach to production quality. Notably the filmmakers employed the experience of an American filmmaker to serve as cinematographer and editor.
Paparazzi Eye in the Dark (2011)
Directed by Bayo Akinfemi
Genres - Mystery-Suspense |
Release Date - Feb 12, 2011 |
Run Time - 142 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Independent Film, Nollywood
Alternate Titles
Paparazzi Eye in the Dark