Operation Haylift

Operation Haylift (1950)

Genres - Drama  |   Release Date - May 5, 1950  |   Run Time - 73 min.  |   Countries - United States of America  |   MPAA Rating - NR
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Description by Wikipedia

Operation Haylift is a 1950 American aviation film by William Berke starring Bill Williams, Ann Rutherford, and Tom Brown. The film - a fictionalized account of a true story - documents the United States Air Force mission in 1948–49 to save thousands of cattle caught in the snowdrifts of a sudden winter storm in northern Nevada. "Operation Haylift" involved scores of cargo aircraft delivering hay to the stranded animals.

Movie Info


Aviation, Nevada, Operation, United States Air Force


Narrative Location: Nevada
Subject: aviation

Alternate Titles

Aetoi stin kataigida
Operation Haylift