On Board is a 1998 Turkish drama film, written and directed by Serdar Akar. The film is about four sailors who kidnap a prostitute, and went on to nationwide general release across Turkey on 4 December 1998. It won awards at film festivals in Ankara and Antalya, including the Golden Orange for Second Best Film. It was shot concurrently with A Madonna in Laleli, directed by Kudret Sabancı, and many of the main characters from the two films cross paths.
On Board (1998)
Directed by Serdar Akar
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ankara, Antalya, Azize, Best Film, Golden Orange, Kudret Sabanc, Laleli, Madonna, Marijuana, Metaphor, Prize
Narrative Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Alternate Titles
On Board
На борту