Oh, Youth!, also called O Youth!, is a 1995 North Korean comedy drama film directed by Jon Jong Pal and written by Ri Il Chol, which was originally titled "Chongchuniyo!". While North Korea is not typically known for releasing comedies, Oh Youth! is a rare example of a comedic film produced in the DPRK, with English subtitles, and can be viewed on YouTube. Of note is that, while mention of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is a typical occurrence, the success of the characters is not attributed to him.
Oh, Youth! (1995)
Directed by Jong-pal Jon
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama, Romance |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - Jan 1, 1995 |
Run Time - 92 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
North Korea
Alternate Titles
Oh, Youth!