Never Been Thawed is a 2005 American independent film released on April 15, 2005. It takes its name from the best condition a frozen entree can be in according to the film's fictional Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiast's Club. It was filmed in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area by director Sean Anders on a budget of approximately $25,000. Various reviewers referred to the comedy as a mockumentary in the tradition of This Is Spinal Tap and Best in Show.

Never Been Thawed (2005)
Directed by Sean Anders
Genres - Comedy |
Release Date - Apr 15, 2005 |
Run Time - 87 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - R
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Box Office
Arizona, Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiast, Nbt, Spinal Tap
Narrative Location: Arizona
Alternate Titles
NBT: Never Been Thawed
Never Been Thawed