Monster a Go-Go! is a 1965 American science-fiction horror film directed by Bill Rebane and Herschell Gordon Lewis. The film is considered to be one of the worst films ever made.

Monster a Go-Go (1965)
Directed by Bill Rebane / Herschell Gordon Lewis
Genres - Horror, Science Fiction |
Sub-Genres - Monster Film |
Release Date - Jul 1, 1965 |
Run Time - 70 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Alien, Astronaut, Comedy Central, Edited From Unfinished Film, Giant, Gordon Lewis, Independent Film, Murder, Mystery Science Theater, Radiation
Narrative Location: Illinois
Subject: monster movies
Subject: monster movies
Alternate Titles
Monster a Go-Go
, US
Monster a-Go Go
, GB
Terror at Halfday
, US
Безудержный монстр
, RU