Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story is a 2013 documentary film directed by Franklin Martin with Dutchmen Films and Cinipix as producers. A teenager, Kevin Laue, pursues his dream to become the first one-armed man to play NCAA Division I basketball. The film documents the daily struggles of a young man coming to terms with his need for his deceased father's approval while battling obstacles to fulfill his dream.
Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story (2012)
Directed by Franklin Martin
Genres - Documentary, Drama, Sports |
Sub-Genres - Basketball |
Release Date - Oct 26, 2012 |
Run Time - 93 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - PG-13
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
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Box Office
Aau, Air Force One, California, Kevin, Martin, Meeting, New York, Potus
Subject: basketball, Documentary about basketball