Little Noises is a 1991 comedy drama film directed by Jane Spencer. The film stars Crispin Glover as an awkward and unsuccessful writer who achieves fame after stealing the poetry of a deaf man. It premiered at the 1991 Sundance Film Festival and was given a limited theatrical release by Monument Pictures on April 24, 1992.
Little Noises (1992)
Directed by Jane Spencer
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - Apr 24, 1992 |
Run Time - 73 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Art, Friendship, Joey, Literary Agent, Mute, Plagiarism, Poetry, Writer
Alternate Titles
Little Noises
Odgłosy Nowego Jorku
Piccoli rumori