Little Joe, the Wrangler is a 1942 American Western film directed by Lewis D. Collins and written by Sherman L. Lowe and Elizabeth Beecher. The film stars Johnny Mack Brown, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Jennifer Holt, Florine McKinney and James Craven. The film was released on November 13, 1942, by Universal Pictures.
Little Joe, the Wrangler (1942)
Directed by Lewis D. Collins
Genres - Western |
Release Date - Nov 13, 1942 |
Run Time - 60 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Gold Ore, Miner, Murder, Singing Cowboy
Alternate Titles
I symmoria exontothi
Little Joe, the Wrangler
O Pequeno Joe, O Polêmico