Life Returns is an American film directed by Eugene Frenke. The film stars Onslow Stevens, George P. Breakston and Lois Wilson with a plot that involves a doctor who is convinced that the dead can be brought back to life gets the chance to prove his theory on a dog that has recently died. Eugene Frenke created a film record of the operation and developed a film that would incorporate the footage of Robert E. Cornish who was doing experiments that successfully let him bring dead animals back to life.
Life Returns (1935)
Directed by Eugene Frenke / James P. Hogan
Genres - Crime, Drama, Horror, Science Fiction |
Release Date - Jan 2, 1935 |
Run Time - 63 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
American, Doctor, Reanimation
Alternate Titles
L'incredibile realtÃ
Life Returns