The Faceless Enemy is a 1946 French crime film directed by Robert-Paul Dagan and Maurice Cammage and starring Louise Carletti, Frank Villard and Jean Tissier. It was based on the novel of the same title by Stanislas-André Steeman. It featured his long-running detective Inspector Wens. The film's sets were designed by the art director Marcel Magniez.
L'ennemi sans visage (1946)
Directed by Maurice Cammage
Genres - Comedy, Crime, Science Fiction, Thriller |
Release Date - Nov 20, 1946 |
Run Time - 105 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Inspector Wens, Marcel Magniez, Paul Dagan, Robert
Based On: based on Belgian novels
Alternate Titles
Fjenden uden ansigt
L'ennemi Sans Visage
L'ennemi sans visage
The Faceless Enemy