Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain High is a 2018 American animated superhero comedy film based on the DC Super Hero Girls web series, produced by Warner Bros. Animation. It is the fourth film in the DC Super Hero Girls films, as well as the second and final Lego branded film in the series to be based on DC Super Hero Girls, before the series itself got rebooted by Lauren Faust in 2019. It was digitally released on May 1, 2018, and was followed by a DVD release on May 15.

LEGO DC Super Hero Girls: Super-villain High (2018)
Directed by Elsa Garagarza
Genres - Action-Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
Release Date - May 1, 2018 |
Run Time - 78 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - TV-PG
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Favorite, Female, Hero, High, Lego, Opponent, Super Heroes, Villain
Part of Collection
Alternate Titles
Lego DC Super Hero Girls - Die Superschurken-Schule
Lego DC Super Hero Girls - Escuela de Super Villanas
LEGO DC Super Hero Girls - Super-Villain High (2018)
LEGO DC Super Hero Girls : Le Collège Des Super-Méchants
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Escola de Super Vilãs
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain High
, ES, GB, US
LEGO DC Super Hero: Super-Villian High
LEGO Tini szuperhősök - Gonosz gimi
Super Hero Girls - Escola de Super Vilãs