Le Building is a 2005 French animated short film directed by a team of final year students at Gobelins, l'École de l'image. The story depicts a series of slapstick accidents that cause destruction to a three-story apartment complex. Le Building's team of five directors is composed of Pierre Perifel and Olivier Staphylas, both of whom went on to become Annie Award-recognized animators at DreamWorks, Xavier Ramonède and Annie award-nominated Marco Nguyen, who have continued their careers with animation credits on various high-profile French productions, and Rémi Zaarour, who has since become a comic book artist, published under the pseudonym Pozla.
Le building (2005)
Directed by Marco Nguyen / Pierre Perifel / Olivier Staphylas / Rémi Zaarour / Xavier Ramonède
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Official Site
French, Tale, Team
Subject: Animated about cats
Alternate Titles
Le building