Queen of the Night is a 1931 French comedy film directed by Marcel L'Herbier, assisted by Amleto Palermi and Guido Brignone, and starring Francesca Bertini, Ruggero Ruggeri and Romano Calò. It was filmed in Germany as the Italian-language version of the French film La Femme d'une nuit, also directed by L'Herbier. In the early years of sound, it was common to remake films in different languages. A German-language version was released the same year, directed by Fritz Wendhausen.
La donna di una notte (1933)
Directed by Marcel L'Herbier
Genres - Comedy |
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Movie Info
Amleto Palermi, Fritz Wendhausen, Germany, Guido Brignone, La Femme D'une
Alternate Titles
La donna di una notte
Por uma Noite