The Idiot Maiden is a 2006 Spanish romantic comedy film directed and written by Manuel Iborra, consisting of an adaptation of the 1613 play A Lady of Little Sense by Félix Lope de Vega. It stars Silvia Abascal, Jose Coronado, Macarena Gómez, Roberto San Martín, and Verónica Forqué.
La dama boba (2006)
Directed by Manuel Iborra
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Art/Music, Dama Boba, Lady Of Little Sense, Literary, Spanish
Based On: based on works by Lope de Vega
Time Period: set in the 16th century
Time Period: set in the 16th century
Alternate Titles
A balga dáma
Glupia dama
La dama boba