Kurigalu Saar Kurigalu is a 2001 Indian Kannada-language comedy film directed and written by Rajendra Singh Babu. The film stars Ramesh Aravind, S. Narayan, Mohan, Bhavana, Ruchita Prasad, and Ananth Nag in lead roles. This is the first film in the Saar series directed by Babu and was released on 23 March 2001 and received generally positive reviews from the critics and turned out to be box-office hit.
Kurigalu Saar Kurigalu (2001)
Directed by S.V. Rajendra Singh Babu
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ananth Nag, Bhavana, Mohan, Ruchita Prasad
Narrative Location: Bengaluru, set in Bangalore