Kolumittayi is a 2016 Indian Malayalam-language children's film directed by Arun Viswam. The film set in the 1980s, tells the story of Unni and his three friends Abu, Lalu, and Varkey. Others in the cast includes Saiju Kurup, Dinesh Prabhakar, Sohan Seenulal, Dr. Roney, Kalabhavan Prajod, Gokulan, Devi Ajith, Krishnaprabha, Priyanka and 30 other child actors.
Kolumittayi (2016)
Directed by Arun Viswam
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Abu, Child, Devi Ajith, Kalabhavan Prajod, Krishnaprabha, Lalu, Roney, Unni, Varkey
Time Period: set in
Alternate Titles