Jingles the Clown is a 2009 horror film directed by Tommy Brunswick, and written by Todd Brunswick. It is a reboot of the 2006 film Mr. Jingles, also created by the Brunswicks.
Jingles the Clown (2009)
Directed by Tommy Brunswick
Genres - Horror, Thriller |
Sub-Genres - Ghost Film, Serial Killer, Slasher Film, Supernatural Horror Film |
Release Date - Aug 20, 2009 |
Run Time - 83 min. |
Countries - United States of America |
MPAA Rating - NR
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Independent, Violent
Narrative Location: Michigan
Subject: clown, ghost, incest, serial killer, supernatural
Subject: clown, ghost, incest, serial killer, supernatural
Alternate Titles
Jingles the Clown