Jim & Piraterna Blom is a 1987 Swedish adventure film directed by Hans Alfredson. The main roles are played by Johan Åkerblom, Ewa Fröling, and Jan Malmsjö. The film premiered in Sweden on February 12, 1987, at the cinema Rio in Tomelilla. The film’s title is related to the comic strip ‘’Terry and the Pirates’’, which has also been called ‘‘Jim and the Pirates’’.
Jim & Piraterna Blom (1987)
Directed by Hans Alfredson
Genres - Action-Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
Release Date - Feb 12, 1987 |
Run Time - 92 min. |
Countries - United Kingdom |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Ewa Fröling, Jan Malmsjö, Johan Akerblom
Alternate Titles
Jim & piraterna Blom
Jim og piraterne
Jim og piraterne Blom