Jack the Dog is a 2001 American comedy-drama film, written and directed by Bobby Roth and starring Néstor Carbonell, Barbara Williams, Barry Newman, and Anthony LaPaglia. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 22, 2001, and was released on DVD in the United States by Rivercoast Films on August 12, 2008. A sequel, Manhood, was released in 2003.
Jack the Dog (2001)
Directed by Bobby Roth
Genres - Comedy, Comedy Drama, Drama |
Sub-Genres - Comedy Drama |
Release Date - Jan 22, 2001 |
Run Time - 85 min. |
Description by Wikipedia
Movie Info
Barry Newman, Rivercoast Films, Sundance Film Festival, United States
Filming Location: Los Angeles, shot in Los Angeles
Alternate Titles
Jack the Dog
Jack, O Conquistador
Джак Кучето